
Showing posts from January, 2023

What is the Most Strangest Guinness Records? | Strangest World Records

  This is one of the Strangest Guinness records , because these are the people with the longest fingernails. The man with the longest nails is Melvin Booth, with a total length of 9.05 meters . Among women, the record holder is Lee Redoma, who has not cut her nails since 1979. They are 8.65 meters long. I wonder how all people get the idea to stop cutting their fingernails and thus create a disability for themselves. They can hardly do anything with their hands anymore! Why does one do such a thing? I lack there really sometimes the imagination. It seems to me like a mental disease . #Strangest  #Guinness Records? | Strangest   #World Records

What is an Incident that Changed Your Life ?

 A statement from an Amazon delivery boy changed my perspective. Message flashed about the delivery of my package and I waited eagerly for the doorbell to ring. Anil(delivery boy) called me and estimated the arrival time. After a while I heard the doorbell and dashed towards the door where Anil handed me the package and I paid. Now comes the interesting part. The amount was 3699 ₹ to which I gave him 3700 ₹. He counted it twice and nodded as a gesture of approval. I was about to go inside when he interrupted me and said - Sir, aap apne chutte bhul gae. (Sir, you forgot your change.) I was surprised because - It was only 1 rupee. No delivery boy has ever given me the change back (until and unless its above threshold) as they tend to keep it. I smiled and said - Bhaiya, aap rakh lijiye. (Brother, you keep it.) I'm quoting verbatim what Anil said - Sir 1 ₹ h to kya hua, kisi ne iske liye mehnat to ki h na. Aap kisi aise ko de dena jisko iski zarurat ho. (Sir,

What's the Hardest Truth of Life?

1. Physical beauty is valued . 2. Fake people are loved more. 3. Partiality is core in every place. 4. Reservation system is killing the development of India. 5. No one thinks good for you except your parents . I repeat, no one! 6. Very few friends are happy with your success . Most of your bffs leave you. “ No forever! ” 7. Most of the present relationships have no future . They are made to break up one day. 8. Everyone has feelings which are hard to hide but difficult to express . 9. There is no relationship name given for: “ friends  <_______ br="" love=""> 10. People will call you “ cheap ” if you do fashion and “ behenji ” if you are simple. You can no way make people stop saying bullshits . <_______ br="" love=""> 11. We are getting addicted to the internet day by day! <_______ br="" love=""> 12. Most of the students are even today forced to pursue engineering and medical. <_______ br="" l

What are some Interesting Facts? | Ambani Kids | Amitabh Bachchan | KBC

  Shree Amitabh Bachchan, on the occasion of 40 years of ‘Reliance Family Day', played ‘ KBC ’ with Ambani' kids. During this, he asked a question that goes as follows:- Q. “Reliance's Jamnagar site is India's largest producer of which of the following?” Options:- A) Mangoes B) Natural gas C) Polyester D) Oil Guess, what? To the surprise of most of us (though being a SEZ), the correct answer is:- A) Mangoes Reliance's Jamnagar plantation plant, produces nearly 140 varieties of mangoes nearing around 600 ton every year. Really interesting ! #interesting #facts #ambani-kids #amitabh-bachchan #kbc

What are the Top Rules of Life?

  Your Mind and YouTube works in the same way. When you watch one cat video, then YouTube starts recommending more cat videos. As you start watching more & more cat videos, your YouTube home page will become full of cat videos. The same way when you think one negative thought then your mind starts recommending you more negative thoughts and even without realizing, your mind becomes full of negative thoughts. So, awareness is the key that helps you to identify & stop to think negative thoughts. You stop respecting yourself when you continuously breaking promises that you make with yourself, such as you say, I will do exercise daily but when the time comes you did not do it. Did you trust a person who breaks his promise 1000 times? You stop getting  mad on people when you understand the simple fact that people only reflect what they have like the same way you can only serve your guests what you have cooked or ordered for them. Whether it’s Over consumption of information or foo

What's something that sucks? | Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli

Scene : India v SA ( 3rd ODI ) Venue : Cape Town Lead Actors : Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli Negative roles : Cameraman , sports network,bcci Why : telecasting live match when Anushka Sharma brings her daughter at the stadium. Movie starts from here, There were almost 100 cameras in whole stadium, But still she came up with her daughter, And she'd pointed towards virat after he scored 50 . Did they seriously believed that they could bring the kid to that match and the camera eyes would not be on her or that she won’t get snapped? You cannot photograph a kindergarten so clearly unless and until it’s done voluntarily by parents. And I've witnessed several times that there couldn't be a vast pun than VIPs present in the stadium among the huge crowd claiming , Sorry we don't know that the camera was on us. Cameraman was doing his job If you don't want to expose your daughter then keep her away I do respect their privacy and concern regarding the

What are some Unwritten Social Rules Everyone Should Know?

  1. Try not to fart in closed premises like meeting rooms, elevators, vehicles etc. if there are      other people around. 2. While using public transport , avoid asking those seated 'thoda adjust karo bhai'                     (please adjust a bit) . Seats are designed for a specific number of people. Three people             trying to sit on a seat designed for two , will make the journey painful for all the three . 3.  If you are sitting on an aisle seat in a flight , don't lean towards the passage to rub your           shoulders against the cabin crew members. 4. When you are in a multilingual group, use a language that everyone in the group                     understands.      5. When you make a phone call to someone who does not know you, start the conversation           by introducing yourself instead of Hello.. Hello...Hello....Hello. 6. Don't be rude to telemarketing executives. Politely say 'No' if you are not interested in           what they are  

What’s a reason you stopped ordering from Domino’s Pizza?

Domino's Pizza isn't the same anymore. Firstly, they don't use real mozzarella cheese in their pizza. They use a combination of mayonnaise and some edible fats to replicate cheese. It isn't real cheese. Then, by the time the pizza arrives at my doorstep, it often gets cold. Now, I am not in support of the delivery executives rash driving, breaking the traffic rules and getting my pizza delivered. In fact, they don't have that 30-minute guarantee anymore. But even if they manage to get it in 30–40 minutes, which it usually takes for me to get my pizza from the nearest store, most of the time, it had gone cold. Pizzas are best when eaten fresh and hot. So I went to the store to have a pizza. But I was surprised to see the level of cost-cutting they have started doing! I paid 450 rupees for the above Medium Pizza and the toppings don't cover the entire surface. The pizza crust looks a bit too big. I mean, just look at how big the gap is between the toppings and