What are the Top Rules of Life?


  • Your Mind and YouTube works in the same way. When you watch one cat video, then YouTube starts recommending more cat videos. As you start watching more & more cat videos, your YouTube home page will become full of cat videos. The same way when you think one negative thought then your mind starts recommending you more negative thoughts and even without realizing, your mind becomes full of negative thoughts. So, awareness is the key that helps you to identify & stop to think negative thoughts.

  • You stop respecting yourself when you continuously breaking promises that you make with yourself, such as you say, I will do exercise daily but when the time comes you did not do it. Did you trust a person who breaks his promise 1000 times?

  • You stop getting mad on people when you understand the simple fact that people only reflect what they have like the same way you can only serve your guests what you have cooked or ordered for them.

  • Whether it’s Over consumption of information or food both are harmful. Because over-consumption of food makes you fat and over-consumption of information kills your creativity and unique perspective.
  • Never speak or write negative comments (even on internet) about others without knowing their story. But sadly, most people choose criticism over understanding others because it just takes a few seconds & low mentality.



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